Smart Life with WEDO Technology

With strength on IoT, AI and cloud computing technologies, WEDO provides more secure,
energy-saving & comfortable smart home solutions for customers worldwide.

We are

Making Your Home

WeDo provides personalized secure, energy-saving & comfortable smart home solutions for customers in the Untied Arab Emirates.
Our solution works effortlessly and blends seamlessly to connect your home, inside and out. Best of all, you can secure your home, and control it from anywhere with our Smart Home App. EDIT

Our Mission

Applying advanced analytics in your homes and offices is possible now, with our wide range of Artificial Intelligence products and services.

Our Vision

A distinguish collection of smart home gadgets and products that you need right now. With automation, WEDO aims to make gadgets and other home service solutions more streamlined.

Our Approach

Our expert proffesional team will help to maintain your smart homes with fast response time. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.
Get Started

Make your Home Smart

Our reliable and stable crews understand your specific service needs.
Ready to start making your home smart ?

Our products are international certified and Design Awards Grand Slam Winners!